Reasons to childproof your home:
Look at your home through your child’s eyes and you can see how many common objects
may be potential hazards.
Safety plates prevent any objects from being inserted into sockets.
Toilet locks prevent playing in dirty water and possible drowning.
Safety straps keep furniture from tipping onto child.
Affixing latches allow cabinets to lock and keep your child away from dangerous objects.
Safety gates keep your child from falling down stairs. Plexiglas guards prevent your child from falling through or getting trapped between banister rails.
Cord control kits and power strip covers protect your child from electrical shock. As concerned parents, you know these small, innocent trouble spots can result in cuts, bruises, broken bones, or worse. Serious injury can occur in a matter of minutes. By calling today, you are taking a step towards creating a safer home for your child.
7 Steps to a Baby-Safe Home:
1. Tall lamps or furniture should be secure or blocked to prevent baby from climbing on them or tipping them over.
2. Keep fireplace area blocked, including removing gas key from keyhole.
3. Poisons and toxic household chemicals should be locked up or kept out of child’s reach.
4. Crib attachments should be installed on the side of the crib facing the wall. Mirrors and other objects should be secured. Otherwise,
your baby could use these items to climb out of the crib.
5. House plants or flowers should be kept separate from your child, as some are poisonous if ingested.
6. Windows and doors should be kept closed to prevent child from wandering and from taking a dangerous fall.
Every home is different. That’s why our staff is trained to address all potential hazards or situations that could result in injury to your child. CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ROOM-BY-ROOM EVALUATION OF YOUR HOME. Upon evaluating your home, we might uncover potential hazards you may not be aware of.
Having a baby is a very exciting time; however, many parents know that babies grow fast. Their environment is full of wonderful things to explore and the only way to discover their world is by exploring in the home they are most comfortable. Our home is to provide a safe and comfortable environment for our children, but our homes have changed over the years. Technological advances, construction and how we furnish our homes are not designed with kids in mind. Common child safety hazards exist all over our homes. From kids climbing bookshelves to getting tangled in curtain cords, these everyday home furnishings provide potential danger to our children. And let’s not forget our new plasma TVs. The number of children killed or injured by falling furniture -- primarily TV sets -- has increased in recent years, according to a report by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. The CPSC study revealed that child deaths from TV tip overs increased to 17 in 2006, the latest data available, from three in 2000.
This is where Safe Surroundings Child Proofing can help out young families. Owner, Bob Baulac has been doing this business with families for the last two years. Bob will come into your home and do a FREE evaluation of each room and tell you exactly what is needed to make it safer. While it may seem overwhelming, many parents will do this in stages, depending upon the age of their child. When it comes to child-proofing your home, here are the top five questions you need to ask a professional child and safety proofer:
When do I start assessing?
When do I start installing?
Is the person licensed and insured?
What kind of stand behind products do you use?
Can I do this in installments or do I have to do this all at once?
While it is recommended that you have your evaluation before the baby is born, it is typical for parents to begin installing safety measures around 6-8 months of age. Your expert should be licensed and insured by the International Association for Child Safety
After my free evaluation, I learned a great deal about the safety of my own place. Some things I was conscious of, while there were things I overlooked. Bob made reasonable and affordable recommendations by keeping it simple. He also provides a safety checklist on, poison prevention, safe houseplants for the home, and how and where to store chemicals.
Safe Surroundings Child Proofing also provides the services of assembling of all types of children’s and infant furniture and the purchase of Gift Certificates. In addition, Safe Surroundings also offers a Gift Card to their customers for referring potentially new clients that have child safety items installed in their homes as well..
For more information, go to their website or call them at 630.495.6044. Safe Surroundings Child Proofing serves Chicago and the Chicagoland area.